MARJI GUYLER-ALANIZ in a hot pink FarmHer tank top sharing the brand's new look

Back to #FarmHer Basics

New Look, Same FarmHer

The past year of my FarmHer journey has been the most challenging yet. It’s been a year filled growth, change and reflection..  In the spring of 2019 I participated in a class focused on helping business owners grow their businesses.  I didn’t realize going in what a journey it would be, but now, from where I stand almost a year later, I’m proud, I’m excited and I’m running towards the future.  

Following the class, the biggest change was that I decided to end our five-year run at in-person events and refocus on telling stories.  I believe that FarmHer is a great connector of people through the stories we tell.  While our past events were good for the attendees, it became very clear that they were not sustainable in the long run.  I decided that we would focus our time, effort and resources on growing the areas in which we tell stories.  With that shift our team changed (a lot) and our business focus changed. 

FarmHer Digital Growth

In January of this year we started heading down that path to expand our reach.  For starters that meant bringing in an expert (hello, welcome to the team, Jodi Oleen) and some brand firepower (oh, hey Hannah Miller).  

As with everything, this was a walk before you can run type of focus.  We went through an audit of the digital brand, understanding what was working, what wasn’t and then creating a plan to move forward.  Now, we are starting to jog a little faster.  

With a plan in place it became clear that we needed a bit of a look and feel reset.  With a wide-open calendar due to the pandemic and resulting quarantine I dusted off my graphic designer hat and set to work freshening up the look of FarmHer.  

Through this, the centerpiece of our brand is still the FarmHer logo and we will continue to lead with the images of strong, beautiful FarmHers.  My goal here is that you always know you are in the FarmHer house when you see a piece of our brand.  Strong and stable, yet full of life.

With our front door freshly painted (oh, hey, yes, I did happen to paint my own front door what I’ll just call pandemic red and yes, it’s in our new FarmHer color palette), we are now focused on growing our audience of viewers by more focus on where we tell the stories.

As we sorted through the stories we currently tell on TV, Radio, Podcast and social media it became clear that we needed to take it back to basics so it’s easy to know what you’re here for, once you’re in the front door.  So, while our pretty, freshly painted front door says FarmHer all over it, you need to see and feel that everywhere inside too. 

Our Podcast – FarmHer Talks

With that renewed focus I decided it was time to take our Shining Bright podcast back to basics and simply re-name it FarmHer Talks….because that is exactly what it is.  You never have to guess where you are, or what we are doing.  What an aha moment!  

So, starting on June 10 what was Shining Bright will become FarmHer Talks.  It’s still me, having thoughtful conversations to connect and inspire the FarmHer in all of us.  

We have also shifted into a more fluid podcast format.  Rather than being the required hour long show for radio purpose, we are creating these stories as a podcast first (you can still listen over on Rural Radio SiriusXM 147).  They take as long or as little as they need to get the story out.  

We have also started to share these in not just an audio but also a video story so you can listen to them on your favorite podcast app OR check out the video on YouTube.  I hope you’ll join us for the FarmHer Talks stories, whether in my studio at home or out on the farm, these are some great stories of the women who are a part of food, farming and rural communities. 

Marji Alaniz in her FarmHer tank top on a dirt road.

FarmHer Stories on YouTube

Along with this shift of FarmHer Talks we took a deep dive into creating a great new FarmHer experience on our YouTube channel.   There you can now also watch FarmHer Stories.  Through these stories we take you to the farm and meet the FarmHer, showing the viewer a day in her life.  From showing pigs at the Fair to planting corn and baking pies to making wine, these are some can’t miss stories. 

Lexi Marek at the Iowa State Fair pig show holding blue ribbons.

FarmHer On the Road

One more piece of the puzzle that has not been visible over the last 7 years is my journey.  I see some epic things, meet the most amazing people and experience the world around me in a pretty cool way and coming soon, you can experience right along with me in FarmHer On the Road.  This will also be available on YouTube.

FarmHer On RFD-TV

In addition to this new content you can still see FarmHer on RFD-TV every Friday and Sunday night at 8:30 Central.  We are working on filming right now for the upcoming fifth season of these weekly half-hour episodes that air every Friday and Sunday night.  FarmHer Talks will also continue to air on Rural Radio SiriusXM Channel 147 for an hour long weekly show.  You can also stream any of the past full episodes from the prior four seasons on the new RFD-TV Now app!

FarmHer On Social

We’re also still hanging out on all of our social channels, and would love to see you there.  I personally am still loving the Instagram Stories…they’re such an easy way to stay connected to the every day.  Check ours out to see what I’ve going on!

These past few months have been the culmination of a lot of hard work, changing of thought, expanding my outlook and refocusing.  I truly hope our new brand experience is as inviting and welcoming as the FarmHers I meet on the road.  Their stories lift me up and I know they will for you too.  

Watch an episode today to explore the world around you, expand your horizons and live your best life with entertainment, connection and inspiration for the FarmHer in all of us.

3 thoughts on “Back to #FarmHer Basics

  1. Wow you sure have been busy with all the fresh changes at FarmHer! I discovered the show on RFD-TV about 3 years ago and have enjoyed every episode since. It’s exciting to hear how you have refocused and decided to get back to the basics of telling stories of amazing women in agriculture – that is what drew me in. I look forward to watching the FarmHer on the Road series on YouTube soon. Thank you for all you – and your team – do to bring women into the spotlight!

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