Mary Pat Sass, founder of Grounded Journals

Grounded Journals: More than Memories, a Legacy

FarmHers can be hard to shop for. It’s hard to add a piece of machinery or equipment into a gift bag or stocking. This holiday season, look no further than a Mary Pat Sass original. Something that will help you remember more than memories, but continue a legacy: Grounded Journals.

An example of Grounded Journals

Every farm or ranch has a story. A story that has triumphs and struggles. A story that is worth remembering for years and generations to come. That’s where Grounded Journals steps in.

Mary Pat’s inspiration sparked from a conversation she had with her grandmother-in-law. They were discussing the history of their farm and she said she wished she had written more down. That stuck really with Mary, and four years later she created journals that make it simple for farm and ranch families to record their family legacies.

Mary Past Sass, founder of Grounded Journals, standing in a corn field with her children

The name Grounded Journals comes from a challenge Mary has to each and every FarmHer during harvest. Because it is a time of year when there is no extra time, she is challenging you to take 10-15 minutes at the beginning and end of each week to pause, reflect, and think about the future through the six weeks of journal prompts found inside the Grounded Journals. 

Her hope is this mindset journal helps ground you.

Grounded Journals

Add Grounded Journals to your holiday gift list today or purchase for the FarmHer in your life who deserves it. With three different styles of journals, you are sure to find the perfect fit for your farm or ranch.

And read more about the FarmHer behind the journal, Mary Pat Sass.


2 thoughts on “Grounded Journals: More than Memories, a Legacy

  1. I am interested in one of your crop farming grounded journals for my daughter who just bought her father in laws farm. They raise over 200,000 ducks per year and crop farm. Could you please let me know the cost for one?

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