Maggie Holub operates Holub Farm in Nebraska.

A Whole Lot of Heart for Fitness and Farming

Maggie Holub is a FarmHer with a whole lot of heart for two things – fitness and farming. Born and raised on the family farm in Nebraska, life took her different directions, but she found her way back after her father passed away from cancer. Since stepping foot back on the farm, she hasn’t looked back. Maggie balances farming with a full-time job at Farm Credit Services of America. She spends her time on both the professional and production sides of agriculture.

Fitness on the Farm

Maggie raises 320 acres of corn and 200 acres of soybeans at Holub Farm in Scribner, Nebraska. Farming isn’t Maggie’s only passion, though. She also loves focusing on physical fitness. She spreads her passion through a mobile trailer outfitted with weights and other equipment that she pulls to small towns in the area. There she sets up and provides fitness classes to rural communities who may not have other options.

Maggie prepares for chores after a morning fitness workout on the farm.

On our visit to the Holub Farm in Nebraska, we suspected we were going to start the morning with a workout. But, we didn’t quite know what we in for! Maggie met us in the driveway with an infectious energy, ready to get the day started. She was hosting a workout class for a group right on the farm, so we headed over to get started. Up first, a warmup run to the corner of the section and back – enough to get the sweat going. The workout came next, with Maggie calling out the moves and the class jumping to action. The next 30 minutes were filled with squats, lunges and all kinds of other moves meant to build our strength. You could easily be exhausted just from that, but not Maggie. There was work to be done, and the day was just getting going.  

Another Farm Workout (aka chores)

We jumped in the truck and drove to a field of corn where she needed to walk out to the irrigation equipment to turn it on. She set off into the field that was much taller than us while we did our best to keep up. After what felt like a second workout of the day, dripping with sweat and dew from the corn, we arrived on the top of the hill. Maggie set to work turning on the generator to run the irrigation pivots. Once she knew the water was pumping and the pivots were spreading it on the field, we hiked back down and went back up to her farm. 

Maggie Holub works her way through a corn field on her Nebraska farm.

On top of the day-to-day operations, Maggie was working on clean up around the farm. That day, she was going to be finishing cleaning out a grain bin. We followed along as she pulled up a big rig to the auger. She turned it on and grain started to flow from the bin up to the trailer on her semi-truck. Another accomplishment of Maggie’s was buying and learning how to drive the semi. An accomplishment she is very proud of.

Maggie gets her semi ready to clean out a grain bin on the farm.

A Determined FarmHer

It was easy to see after watching Maggie spend a day working out and then working hard on the farm, she is determined. Maggie is bound to make it work. She is eager learn and grow as a FarmHer. She is proud to carry on the family farm.  She’s the first to admit that patience, stubbornness and a whole lot of heart have gotten her to where she is today, finding her footing as a FarmHer.

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5 thoughts on “A Whole Lot of Heart for Fitness and Farming

  1. I have known Maggie for 6 to 7 years she has been a great inspiration to me. I love to see her smiling face as she starts her fitness classes and when you mention her farm or farming her smile gets bigger and her eyes start to sparkle.
    I truly love this girl, she has incredible strength, energy and wisdom, not to mention beautiful.
    I am so grateful she is a part of my life.
    Renee Mikan
    She is

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  3. Maybe the best episode I have ever seen. Really captured the whole spirit of farming. Passion, selflessness and determination. Beautiful show.

  4. When she explained that she wants to do everything her daddy did and better that sums it up this is a premium lady . Full of emotion and fire . She is a force to be reckoned with .

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