Woman working on family dairy

A Family Way of Life

Strong women.  That’s what FarmHers are, strong, real women.  Emily and Lisa Zweber are FarmHers through and through.  They are half of the equation that makes up Zweber Farms in Elko, Minnesota. They’re a fourth-generation family dairy and it’s clear they are the heart of this farm.  

Their story started a few generations earlier in the Zweber family.  A dairy that John and Lisa came home to after college. Just a few short years after they arrived back home to the dairy farm, John’s parents, who helped run the farm, both passed away, leaving the two young parents to run the dairy on their own.  While not easy, they managed and raised four kids while doing it.   Those long days turned into years and their family and the dairy farm grew.  Soon enough, their oldest son, Tim met his future FarmHer and wife, Emily in 4-H.  A fitting way for this couple who today works together to form their foundation.  Following college they got married and carried on the tradition, coming home to the farm.

Woman and man riding on four wheeler together on their family farm.

Family Owned Organic Dairy

It was then that the Zweber family decided to take what they already practiced and make it official.  They converted into an organic dairy so they could support two generations working full time on the farm. 

Women milking cows on the family dairy.

Emily spent a career in marketing and PR, and headed up the Ag Chat organization before making the decision to become a full-time mom and FarmHer.  Today the family shares meals, work and nearly every aspect of their lives.  Lisa and John are responsible for the morning milking, then the family stops and eats breakfast together.  They continue farm duties throughout the day from running the business, feeding animals, working with customers, marketing their product, keeping up with social media and the website and just generally making sure they are fulfilling all of the farm duties. 

Women milking cows on the family dairy.

All Hands on Deck

Emily’s work is usually completed with her three kids in tow. Tim and Lisa, the two oldest children, go through chicken chores, prepping for and milking the cattle, checking the beef cattle and pigs. The youngest, Hannah, usually gets a little showing practice in during morning chores.  It is a true diversified family dairy and everyone has their role.  Before the evening milking you will find the family back together for dinner before Emily and Tim finish out their jobs at the dairy.

Woman and girl leading a dairy cow around the family farm.

Day in and day out they work together, share meals together, have a little alone time, run a family and run a farm.  To make it work everyone chips in a little to help raise the fifth generation of Zwebers that will hopefully come back home to the farm.

Woman and girl holding hands on the family farm.

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