Nancy Blanchard of Coco's Ranch in Palo, IA loves all of the animals on the farm.

An Ultimate Happy Place

Nancy Blanchard of Coco’s Ranch has created a farm full of peace, love and adorable goats. This FarmHer’s love of the animals and land shines in not only her words, but her actions. Nancy cares for the animals on a deep level and spreads her love to all visitors at the farm. Meeting her was a true experience full of joy.

Coco’s Ranch Loves Animals

Nancy Blanchard of Coco’s Ranch developed into a FarmHer role when she discovered Nigerian Dwarf goats on a TV program. Her significant other, Randy, already had cattle at their farm in Iowa, and could help with caring for other animals. They took the plunge, and Coco’s Ranch became a home for a herd of tiny, adorable goats. They have continued to expand from there, and the rest is history.

Coco's Ranch offers goat yoga at their farm in Palo, IA.

Coco’s Ranch is now a breeder of registered Nigerian Dwarf goats, Angus cattle based and Hampshire and Suffolk sheep in Palo, IA near Cedar Rapids. They are advocates for sustainable farming, and believe in bringing the farm experience to people in new ways. They have started offering Iowa Goat Yoga, where you can practice yoga with their goats! The host classes at their family farm, or they can even bring the goats to your private event.

Goats and Good Vibes

We arrived at Coco’s Ranch on a cool humid morning, and started the day with their famous goat yoga. We rounded up a few of the kids (goats, not humans!) and started the session. Despite it heating up with humidity and a less than ideal outfit (jeans and yoga DON’T mix) the session was surprisingly calm. The wind softly blew through the pasture while goats roamed around, and time seemed to drift away. Before we knew it, the class was over and it was time for our next adventure.

Nancy Blanchard carries a baby goat.

Next, we made our way over to a stand set up for a drink of Nancy’s homemade grape juice. It’s a surprising treat – cool, slightly sweet with just enough tart to give it a kick. Perfect FarmHer refreshment!

A Shift of Life & Love

We headed to another pasture where Nancy gave some grain to the impatiently waiting herd of sheep. She explained that all of the animals on the farm have been a huge learning curve, but one she has thoroughly enjoyed. Her life has changed massively from being the woman who got her nails done and hair dyed, to being a FarmHer through and through. Hearing her words were convincing but seeing Nancy at work was truly magical – she has found her ultimate happy place.

Our last stop before lunch was to a small barn that served as the maternity ward. These goats were either getting ready to give birth or had just given birth to kids. We got to hold the tiniest kid – not even a full two pounds or two days old yet!

Once all of the work on the farm was done, Nancy and Randy wrapped up the day with a delicious lunch of gyros, with meat harvested from their sheep. Coco’s Ranch has a deep respect for the animals she raises, with economic sustainability as a main focus. She is proud of the products that come from their farm, and the families they feed with the meat they harvest

Coco’s Ranch is like other farms in some ways, but yet so unique, too. Unique because of Nancy – the FarmHer of the operation who spreads a message of inspiration.  Anyone can follow their dreams, regardless of age, background or amount of land. Nancy is doing just that – living out her dream while giving back to her community and utilizing resources with ingenuity and hard work.  

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