Megan Shanley of Shanley Farms on the FarmHer TV show

What Are Finger Limes?

Located in Morro Bay, California is FarmHer Megan Shanley Warren of Shanley Farms. Megan’s father, Jim Shanley started the farm in the late nineties. Eventually, Megan came on board to help with marketing. Just this year, he passed away in a tragic swimming accident and Megan has decided to continue the farm with the help of her husband.

Megan’s fruit farm has the shared purpose of delighting and exciting food lovers and culinary adventurers with their ecologically sound and truly unique produce products. One of those unique products is finger limes.

What Are Finger Limes?

Originating in Australia, finger limes, or caviar limes, are small citrus fruits. Being two to three inches in length and weighing as little as 10 to 15 grams each, finger limes are shaped like small pickles or cucumbers with ends that taper to points. They are most commonly a purple or blackish-dark green and their skin is rough and pebbled. 

Finger limes on the plant at Shanley Farms in California

But it is what’s inside finger limes that is truly unique. When snapped in half to open, they reveal a bunch of tiny round beads, ranging in color from a pale yellowish-green to almost pink. Squeezing each half pushes the fruit out, where it can then be eaten or used in cooking.

When chewed, they pop into your mouth, releasing their juice. They are commonly served alongside seafood, sushi, pasta, and other foods that benefit from the crunchy pop of the bubbles and their tart flavor.

Finger Lime Recipes

Looking to incorporate finger limes into your diet, but can’t find them in your area? Shop Shanley Farms’ wide variety of Californian fruits. And check out the delicious recipes they post on their blog here.

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